
What I'm Doing Now

Last Updated: 24th January 2018

I have created this page to give an overview of what I'm up to Now. This is mostly to help me keep to my goals but is also here if people are wondering what I'm up to. 


I'm well settled in my new job and enjoying being back in the capital. A side benefit has been that I am now a contributor to Luxury London where I review restaurants and bars.

I'm now in full swing on the two podcasts with 11 of HOMT and 17 of Dr Wilko's out as of today. HOMT is a long form discussion with my friend Mike at Hat of Many Things. The other is a short form podcast about quality alcohol called Dr Wilko's Campaign For Better Beverages.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sponge

I want to focus more on tech blogs this year. I've recently updated my FreeNas box and been playing with Rust so expect some posts on those when I have the time. I also plan to write some more about podcasting in general to hopefully help out other new podcasters who happen across the site.


I have fallen behind on my writing. I want to write a few short stories in the next few months and get started properly on my first long story that has been stewing for over a year now and just needs to be put down on the page. This is, sadly, still where I am with this due to limited free time.

Plus ça change!


I've done one minimalist movie poster. When I have some time I will try to do some more.